Saturday, October 22, 2011

Life today in the fall in the Ozarks

Had an awesome workshop this week on steampunk art and making different backgrounds for collages.  Linda Phillipian did a wonderful job and there was 19 of us!
Two people quit this week at work (one left for DV and the other acted like she would commit dv)  I am so glad to be out of working at the women's shelter.
I have all my paintings done to hang at Leonnas except putting them in the frames - I even have the matting done!  Just need to get all spread out...packing first as I leave for Phx on the 30th.  Got some new clothes that had been marked way down from Cold Water Creek.  Would like to get some new dress shoes - I will see what time I have left - I will be working 38 hours this week.
I like my job as I am getting faster with the computer programs and getting to know my customers - now need to sell services - or at least referrals - that is bonus money.
Earl's truck has more problems again but I declare this is the last time!
Finished 3 fabulous books about the Amish and now have a long one about traveling the Continent in and around Europe.
My brother wrote to tell me not to contact him...have been praying to hear from him as I asked if I could take him out for his birthday when I am in Phx but he has gotten wierder and wierder the older he gets.  I'll just keep praying for him.  Heard from my daughter but her letter was nice.
Well maybe I can keep this blog up just for me - I hope to paint a salad tomorrow to hang at a deli here.
My heart is full